Přednášky Magali Paquotové

Ústav anglického jazyka a didaktiky FF UK pořádá odborný seminář a přednášku dr. Magali Paquotová z Centre for English Corpus Linguistics, Institut Langage et Communication, Université catholique de Louvain.

Ve středu 23. 11. (14:15–15:45, m. č. 105 nebo 104, podle počtu zájemců) proběhne seminář na téma Phraseological complexity‘: from theory to applications

In this presentation, I will report on the first results of a large-scale research programme that aims to define and circumscribe the construct of phraseological complexity and to theoretically and empirically demonstrate its relevance for second language theory. Within this broad agenda, I have started investigating to what extent measures of phraseological complexity can be used to describe L2 performance at different proficiency levels. I will also discuss the results of a study that compared the proposed measures of phraseological complexity (including measures of phraseological diversity and phraseological sophistication) with traditional measures of syntactic and lexical complexity.

Ve čtvrtek 24. 11. (15:50–17:25, m. č. 131) dr. Paquotová pronese přednášku s názvem The impact of the first language on EFL learners’ use of phraseology: Insights from learner corpus research

In this talk, I will briefly introduce the field of learner corpus research before zooming in on my current research into L1 influence on EFL learners’ use of phraseology. I will report the results of several studies (Paquot, 2013, 2014 & 2015) in which I made use of Jarvis’s (2000) unified framework to investigate cross-linguistic influence on French and Spanish EFL learners’ preferred use of lexical bundles. The different manifestations of L1 influence displayed in the learners’ use of lexical bundles are traced back to various properties of L1 words and word combinations, among which their discourse function and frequency of use seem to play a crucial role.